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1-888-478-4010 TTY 711, 24/7

Get your Medicare health and prescription benefits all in one convenient plan!1

$0 premium plans are available in Florida.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Medicare?

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people age 65 and older and younger people with qualifying disabilities or medical conditions.

What is Medicare Advantage?

Medicare Advantage is a private alternative to your Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B benefits. Oftentimes, Medicare Advantage plans include additional benefits such as prescription drug, vision, and dental coverage.

How much do Medicare Advantage plans cost?

There are a wide range of low-cost plans, some with monthly premiums starting at $0.

What benefits are included with a Medicare Advantage plan?

All Simply Healthcare Medicare Advantage Plans include the same hospital and medical benefits as Medicare Part A and Part B. Plans may include additional benefits, such as:

  • Dental, vision, and hearing benefits
  • Prescription drug coverage
  • $0 monthly premiums 
  • $0 medical deductibles 
  • Annual hearing aid allowance
  • Over-the-counter drug allowance

Am I eligible for a Medicare Advantage Plan?

If you’re enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B and live in a plan’s service area, you may be eligible for a Simply Healthcare Medicare Advantage plan.

How can I find a plan?

You can find a plan by entering your ZIP code below or by calling a licensed agent directly at 1-888-478-4010, TTY: 711, 24/7.

I'm here to save you

Find Simply Healthcare Medicare Advantage Plans in your area.

Or call a Florida licensed insurance agent

1-888-478-4010 TTY 711, 24/7